New year, New start?  Well maybe “Yes” as I have come back to doing some writing on Tumblr after many years.  But why you might ask as I have asked myself these last few weeks?  Well, this WordPress website that I’ve hosted my photography work on for many years has come up  for annual renewal.  And yes I do have an instagram, but really that platform doesn’t hold my interest.  Moving forward, I think it’ll be this WordPress site and my Tumblr account that will hold my interest.

So whilst I still do some photography, it really doesn’t hold the passion for me as it once did.  Nowadays I’m more about music, both listening to and playing.  I learnt to play pretty well the dual-manual organ and keyboards 30-odd years ago and played it for about 15 years or so.   But now, I’m wanting to learn to play some new musical instruments ie.  guitar, piano and ukulele.  So certainly when it comes to learning piano, I’ve got to “unlearn” some organ techniques.  And for guitar and ukulele, that’s a totally new avenue to explore.  So I’m looking forward to the challenge of that.

Also, I have for many years been into self-development, not just for myself but also to help others too when they need advice on how to grow and/or get the most out of their situation.  I’m a classic lifelong learner too and whilst dropping out from doing my A-Levels at school and so didn’t go to university, I always promised myself that I’d get more qualifications during my life.  Now reaching retirement age, I think I did pretty well along the way, getting both my degree and masters in my 30s and 40s, plus qualifications and skills specialising in adult and special education.  The qualifications enabled me to be able to teach in college and also gave me the breadth of knowledge and skills I needed to embrace reading and writing.  As I do love to blog.