The Christmas holiday I find is always a good time to take stock on what has happened during the year and also start to plan the coming year in terms of what the priorities will be and what work I will be pushing towards. Over the past months I’ve certainly been working towards doing more fashion and commercial, but also moving into product photography. Some avenues of photography that I’ve previously been in appear to be becoming almost what feels like a closed shop as a number of photographers flood the market with cheap work and in so doing devalue the work of others and what the magazines are prepared to pay. So by exploring new markets, not only will it help channel my creativity in a different way, it may well open up new work if I build up the relevant skills and also make the right contacts with magazines and companies. I think also that sometimes we do work and/or styles because that is what people always expect us to do. This year is going to be different, it’s going to be a year of what I want to do ….. so you’re either with me or you’re not. And if […]
Well, the Clothes Show is over for another year, I just love going along to the show at the NEC and feeling part of the scene, taking photos, but more importantly getting ideas for my forthcoming shoots. There were many stalls selling t-shirts and more grungy stuff, but that wasn’t really what I was looking for. Also whilst there were a number of vintage and retro clothing shops on display they were mostly unfortunately at very modern prices ie. too expensive. There was one stall that really took my eye though and that was Lily.J from Camden in London and I think I’ll do another chat post about my thoughts on that. So what’s next after the Clothes Show then, well it’s got to be London Fashion Week in Feb 2013 so I’d better get my thoughts together on that and get something organised.